Wednesday, December 12, 2012

110 DAYS

My sweet baby boy has been on the Earth for 110 days and am so grateful that he is all mine!!! Yes, I can't even hardly believe that he will be 4 months old on Christmas day! What a blessing he has been in our lives. He is getting such a sweet personality and I can hardly wait to see what an awesome person he grows up to be.

The last time I posted, I hadn't gone back to work yet. On October 8th, I took the plunge and got right back into my work schedule. Without any major melt downs even! I am so grateful that Noah can spend the time that he is not with me with family. He is with Tyler on Mondays, and he loves his time with his daddy. After a pretty rough start, just because they were still getting used to one another, Noah spends his Tuesdays and Thursdays with Tyler's mom. He is with Tyler's sister Melissa on Wednesdays and with Tyler's dad for most of the day on Fridays. Now that they have kind of figured each other out, Noah gets along with pretty much everyone. He still has his days, but doesn't everyone? He loves to be snuggled because that's what I do with him when I get home from work. I can't get enough snuggling in because he is just so snuggable!!!

He has already experienced 2 major holidays (Halloween and Thanksgiving) and let me tell you, those were some really interesting experiences. He came to school with me on Halloween and that was one of the worst ideas I have ever had. I thought it would be so fun, but let me take you back and explain the situation a little further into detail. You will understand. So I decided that I would breastfeed Noah from the very beginning and so far it is going really well. Even with having to pump at school, I still manage to keep a pretty good supply going. (Sorry if that is too much information). But anyways, the breastpump that I am using, we are renting from the women's clinic in Orem for 50 bucks a month. It is totally worth it, because it saves a ton of time and pumps really awesomely. However, we found out that our insurance would pay 100% for a pump. We jumped on that pretty quickly, because not having to pay the 50 dollars a month would help us save a little bit. We got the new breastpump over the weekend and I tried it on Monday and it worked really well. So we decided to take the other one back. Bad idea. On Tuesday, I could hardly pump anything which has thrown my entire schedule off since then. So I wasn't able to pump enough for the next day, so we decided to give up on the new pump, and I would go in the morning (the morning of Halloween) at 8:30 and get a the pump that we had been renting back. I left the house with Noah and we got to the Women's clinic. They said they opened at 8:30, and I think we got there around 8:45. It was locked. I was frantic. I called while we were standing in front of the door and nobody answered. I had 10 minutes before I had to be at school, and it wasn't looking like I was going to be able to pump more for the day. So I tried to call Tyler like 6 times and he didn't have his phone with him. So I called my Mom. Of course she would be able to do something about it in Colorado...She was able to just calm me down, told me to call Melissa and have her get the pump, and just breathe. I headed back to school, and when we got there, Noah started fussing because he was hungry, he wouldn't eat from his bottle, the Halloween parade was starting in our classroom, I didn't have my costume on all the way, I didn't have Noah's costume on yet...needless to say, I was having a rough morning. I owe my life to Deanna, one of the secretaries/does everything else at our school. She took over my class while I got Noah settled down, and then took my class after Melissa came and dropped off the pump and picked up Noah while I went and pumped. I learned to never take a 2 month old to school for Halloween. It will never work out.

Thanksgiving was a lot better, but it was actually the day after that I am referring to when Noah and I packed up and headed for Green River without Tyler. He had work and homework to attend to and he keeps telling us that we always distract him away from his homework. So we left for the weekend so that he wouldn't use us as an excuse. :) The morning that we left was a disaster because I wanted to feed Noah before we left so he would sleep the whole way, so I fed him at 10 even though I wanted to leave at 9, and I was actually already in a bad mood because I didn't really want to leave Tyler home. I wanted him to come with us. I needed to fill up my car with gas and fill my tires with air, which I didn't want to do by myself. But I begrudgingly headed to the gas station. Long story short, the parking lot was packed, I forgot which side my gas tank was on and the hose wouldn't reach to the other side of my car so I had to turn my car around which is when another wonderful person decided they wanted to try and steal my pump, and then I dropped my credit card in between my seat and the middle part. Bad morning. But after all of that and we got on the road, everything turned out fine. The trip wasn't too long and we stopped in Lyman to see Grandma and Grandpa Bluemel and some of the aunts and uncles and cousins...and feed Noah. Everyone loved him. In Green River, we got to go visit with my Grandma and Grandpa Baker, and they just love Noah. We loved staying with Papa Rob and Grama Ella and Noah slept so good in the pack n play. We even got to spend some quality time with Kimberly and Ruby!!! Noah and Ruby are in love. We had a good visit, but were so excited to get back to Daddy!!

One other thing, and then I will be done. So, probably a month ago I did something really hilarious that I want Noah to read about when he's older. This story tells about how much I love him and how dedicated I am to wanting him to be the happiest and most loved baby ever. It starts out sad though, but kind of funny. So I noticed that he was getting super dry, so I started using this moisturizing lotion on him after his baths. I started on a Tuesday and noticed that it wasn't really helping but I wanted to try again on Wednesday to see if it would help at all. However, on Wednesday, I decided to look at the bottle of lotion I was using to see the ingredients, and lo and behold, it said Baby Wash on the bottle, not Baby Lotion. So basically I was putting soap on my sweet baby and leaving it on over night, which of course we know dries you out like crazy. I have not done that since. But the story continues...So Noah's skin has still been super dry and he started to get a rash on his face, the back of his head, and a little bit on his chest. We hoped it would go away, but it didn't really, so we decided to take him to the doctor and see if it was something more serious. This was last Monday, December 3. The pediatrician unfortunately decided that it was Eczema and that it might be a food allergy from something that he is getting through my milk. So Tyler a little too excitedly told me all of the foods that I have to avoid for 2 weeks...Dairy, Wheat, Eggs, Citrus, Soy, Chocolate, and Nuts. What a horrible diet huh. Then after the 2 weeks are over, I can start introducing those things back in one at a time. What a great way to start out the Christmas season right? But, like I said, I love my darling baby so much. I am willing to give up all of those wonderful things so that I don't have to give him icky formula. Breastfeeding is free, mostly convenient, and very nutritious for Noah. So many other benefits, but anyways...

My big boy is growing so fast though like I said, and here are some of the things that he loves to do:
--Roll from belly to back, and almost back to belly
--Giggle and laugh when we tickle him/breath at him/talk to him
--Stand with lots of support still
--Lay on his play mat and kick and wiggle at the lady bug that sings to him and talks to him
--Sleep from 10:00 PM to 7:30 AM
--Still be swaddled when he sleeps, his arms for some reason like to swat at him and and wake him up
--Hold his pointer finger
--Listen to Mommy and Daddy sing while they cook in the kitchen
--Go on walks in his Moby Wrap
--Take baths
--Talk to Grandma and Auntie Espinoza on Skype/Facetime
--Snuggle and snuggle
--He still hates his carseat

Oh, Tyler and me you ask, we are still in love and happy. He is still working at Goldenwest Credit Union and going to school full time. He isn't playing basketball as much anymore, not because he doesn't want to, but because we don't live as close to the church he was playing at. So he plays Racquetball with his dad on Monday mornings at 7:00 now and is loving that. I still teach 3rd grade and am loving my class. They are crazy and funny and little stinker heads. Then I come home and love my sweet baby boy. Sometimes I make dinner and the rest of the time Ty does. He loves me. We are excited for Christmas. We are heading to Green River again for some fun!!

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