Thursday, April 4, 2013

Time flies when you are having fun!

I can hardly even believe that we are already into April! My favorite month actually! It's the month I was born, so obviously that is why! I feel like April is also such a refreshing month. It is the beginning of when it is finally starting to feel warm outside, like I don't have to stay cooped up in my house all day anymore. It makes me even more excited to be able to play outside with my 7 MONTH OLD!! Yes, my sweet little baby Noah boy is already 7 months old. I can hardly even believe that the time has flown by so quickly since the day he was born. He is just such a natural part of my life now, it just seems like he has always been here with us. Just like I feel like Tyler and I have been married forever, even though it will be only 2 years in July. I love having these boys in my life, and I love that we all just fit together.

Even though it seems like the time has flown by so quickly, these last 3 months that I haven't blogged have been a little tricky. With the yucky winter months, my sweet boy has gotten two colds, and those have been probably some of the the most challenging weeks of being a mother. I feel so helpless when all I can do is snuggle him, suck out all the gunk, spray some nasal spray, and hope that he gets a few hours of sleep while not being able to breath very well. He was definitely not my sweet Noah while he was not feeling very well. It's crazy how much a simple thing like the common cold can change a baby. I almost think it's inhuman for babies to get colds when they can't even do anything about it.

Noah has grown up so much the past few months as well. Over Christmas break, my mom kept saying that Noah was going to be mobile so soon because he was already trying to scoot around the living room. Now I have to watch him like a hawk because he is scooting all over the place. He does a little worm like scoot and it's so funny to watch his little tushy scoot up and down while he glides across the room. A few weeks ago, he even started getting up on his hands and knees like he wants to actually crawl, but he doesn't know how to coordinate his arms with his legs, so he ends up just falling on his belly and scoots. He also has started to get up on just his hands and feet in push up position. I don't really think he wants to crawl. I think he just wants to walk. One thing I know for sure is that he doesn't want to sit. He arches his back every time we try to sit him down. He doesn't like to be stationery. This baby likes to move!

When he turned 6 months old on February 25th, we tried to start him eating solid foods right away. People suggested starting with rice cereal mixed with a little bit of formula or breast milk. He didn't want anything to do with that. So we tried mixing it with baby applesauce to make it a little sweeter. He hated that too. It just seemed like he wasn't interested at all. We tried green beans, peas, squash. He just would take a few bites, and just make the most hilarious faces, like, "What in the world is this stuff?" We finally tried peaches, he ate more of that than he did with the vegetables. He likes to eat little bites of what we are actually eating than his baby food. So I give him little pieces of bread. He really is his mothers' son. I couldn't live on this Earth without carbs. Bananas are another thing he will sample. French fries probably shouldn't make it on this list, but unfortunately for Noah, those are something his mommy really loves, so of course he has had a french fry or two. The little baby puffs are another snack he enjoys every once in a while. He also really loves to chew everything with his two bottom teeth, so he will keep the food at the front of his mouth and he looks like a little old grandpa when he chews...I think it is possibly one of the cutest things ever! Yes, I know, he has two bottom teeth. They came in so smoothly, without any teething issues. I didn't even know that they were coming in it was such a smooth transition. Nursing has been a little bit more painful, because sometimes he will bite me. He has stopped biting as much though, because I think my scream has scared him enough that he doesn't want me to scream anymore. His little teeth are so sharp. And as far as I can tell, no other little teeth are making their way through his smiley little gums.

Noah loves to jump, stand, and climb (all with support of course) and I think he is just going to be such a curious little boy. He doesn't really love his carseat still when he has to get in it, but when we are just at home and his carseat is in its' spot, he loves to climb all over it and in it. He loves to talk, and is constantly telling us stories. It has been so fun this week being on Spring Break from school, because Noah is happiest in the morning right when he wakes up, which is a time that I don't usually get to spend with him. I love love spending time with my baby boy, and what a dream it would be to be able to stay home with him all the time. My students really love him too though. And my coworkers love him too. I also really feel like it has been great for him to be able to spend Mondays with just Daddy, and certain days with just Grandma and Grandpa Keil. He loves spending time with them now, and Noah is really not a shy baby. He will basically go to anyone, but secretly I think he loves his mommy the most. However, Tyler can get him to calm down better than anybody, so Daddy also has a special little touch that Mommy doesn't have sometimes.

We are still trying to figure out his sleeping schedule. I think that might be another one of the trickiest things about parenting. We feel like we made the right choice to put him in his crib from the very beginning. We haven't had to transition him from our bed to his crib or anything. But he has started fighting sleep a little bit more lately. It's hard to be patient when I know he is tired, but he doesn't want to go to sleep. That is where Tyler usually steps in to help me out. He is kind of on a predictable napping schedule. He usually goes to bed for good between 10 and 11. He has been sleeping until about 4:30, then he wakes up and I go in and feed him, he will go right back to sleep until like 8:00 ish. Throughout the day I feel like he takes pretty consistent naps. He will play for a couple hours, sleep for a couple hours, and then eat. I have been trying to not let him take a nap after 6:00 so that he will start getting tired around 9:00 and that's when we can attempt to do our (not consistent) bedtime routine. He overall is a really good baby, and we can usually put him down in his crib and he will fall right to sleep without much trouble. Sometimes he has those days though where he just will not go to sleep. We are still working through the kinks though. We will figure it out.

Some fun things we have done lately:
-We went bowling a few weeks ago, and Noah loved trying on the shoes.
-We went to the park for the first time and we don't know if know really enjoyed the swings or the slide, but he didn't cry, so we will take it
-We went to Great Grandma and Grandpa Keils' funerals, and Noah was so good
-We went to a BYU basketball game and Noah and baby Landon got to hang out
-We went to the spring BYU football scrimmage and Noah got a cute new hat
-We went to the Hogle Zoo with the Durtschi's and really enjoyed our day with them (Noah concentrated alot on the carousel
-We went and played at the park at the school by our house and Noah loved watching his daddy play basketball tonight while mommy got to visit with Brooke! (too bad baby Emerson slept the entire time)

Picture Time!!
(Just a Few...I might have gotten carried away)

This was a month before I was due. I just love this picture.

This is his girlfriend Clara. She is a month older than him. They play together every Wednesday.

This is how he feels about every kind of food he eats. Unless it is milk. Then he gets way excited.

His good friend Landon!

He loves to eat the wall in Sunday School at church.

Easter! He loved his easter eggs! He even got a new swimming suit!

His new sippy cup! We put a little bit of water in it and he loves it!

My strong baby!

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