Wednesday, October 3, 2012

He's Finally Here!!! (5 1/2 weeks ago)

At my last doctors appointment on the 21st of August, my doctor asked if I wanted to be induced. I really didn't know how I felt about inductions because I kind of just wanted him to come when he was good and cooked :) But my doctor thought I was ready because even though I was only at a three, he said my cervix was really thin. He also said he would be surprised if I lasted until Saturday. So we set up my induction for Saturday the 25th. So crazy. My baby was finally going to be here!!! I was nervous and excited and I was ready for him to be here.

I was still teaching school August 21st through the 24th. The first week of school. I was still feeling very good... but huge. My classroom was all set up, I knew who all my students were, and I had all my sub plans ready just in case. I made it through the whole entire week! My parents even came to Utah on Wednesday night because they thought I was going to have him early. I proved them wrong. I knew I wanted to make it through the whole first week of school so that I could just accomplish that goal of mine. I was up against a lot of people who kept telling me that I was going to have him early though. I knew I wasn't, and I definitely proved that. And who knows if I would have even had him by my due date. All I can say is that I am so glad that I was induced. I would totally do it again.

Saturday morning we woke up at 5:30 with a phone call from the hospital calling to tell me that they wanted me to come in by 6:15. We got up, got dressed, grabbed our bag (not knowing if what we were bringing was even relevant), went and woke up my Mom and told her it was time to go. Of course we stopped at McDonalds on the way because they told me to eat before I came. I got an egg and sausage mcmuffin and some cinnamon bites and some orange juice. What a great pre-delivery breakfast. It was totally what I needed for an energy boost. We arrived at the hospital around 6:30 and went upstairs. This was the calmest morning ever. I was feeling so happy and ready. My nerves hadn't even kicked in yet until we were in the labor and delivery waiting room  getting all checked in and we heard this woman screaming coming up the elevator. Her significant other was pushing her in a wheel chair and she looked like she just wanted to die. That's when I realized how glad I was to not have gone into labor on my own already. It sure looked painful.

We got all checked in and by the time they had me hooked up to all the monitors and IV's, it was probably around 7:30. Our nurse, Lesley, was so nice and really helpful through the whole delivery. I really appreciated everything she did and how relaxed she helped me to be. But what I wasn't expecting was the first question she asked me after I was hooked up to the machine that watches for contractions. She said, "You are already having contractions about 5 minutes apart, are you feeling them?" I was so shocked. I told her that I hadn't been feeling them. The pitocin just helped to move those contractions right along though, because by 9:30, the first contraction that I felt was in my back and I knew that I definitely didn't want to feel that again. I asked for the epidural right away. The anesthesiologist came in to give me the epidural and as Tyler held my hands as I laid on my side, I was so nervous that I started crying. There was so much pressure, but I am so glad that I got the epidural. The thing that I didn't like though was how tingly my legs and feet got. My mom would rub my feet and legs and that helped a ton.

The hours flew by and by 10:45 my doctor had come in to check everything out. He decided to break my water at that point and after that he said that he thought that in about 7 or 8 hours we might have a baby. What he didn't realize was that my baby was not going to wait that long. I was at a four at that point and for the next hour I was really starting to feel some pressure. My mom was getting concerned and so she said that she was going to go get the nurse and have her check me again. At about 11:30 the nurse came in and checked me and I was at a ten!! She said, "You are at a ten! I am going to go ask your doctor if he wants me to have you start pushing." That really got my nerves going. It was beginning to feel more real at that point. I was going to be a Mommy soon. She came back after a few minutes and said that we were going to start pushing. She told me that I would push three times through each contraction. After two contractions and six times pushing, she said, "If you push again, you are going to have a baby. I am going to go get your doctor." He came in and Lesley was right. The next time I pushed, my baby was here! It was the craziest thing ever! And I am so glad my mom was there, because she really helped me and Ty stay calm I think and she encouraged us to watch the whole process in the mirror. I am so glad we listened because watching my baby being born was really beautiful and magical really. What an amazing experience.

Our sweet baby boy was born on Saturday, August 25th, 2012 and 12:27 pm. He was 8 lbs 7 oz and was 20 inches long. He had so much dark hair and still has it! We don't know exactly where he got that dark hair from, but we are sure he is going to either lose it soon and be bald or it is going to lighten up a ton. We love our sweet boy though. He is perfect in every way.

We stayed at the hospital until Sunday night around 8 o'clock and decided that we could probably head home then. It was so nice having the nurses there. It was really nice to be able to have Noah stay in the nursery during the night except for when he needed to be fed. Then they would bring him in to me to feed him. Breast feeding was really challenging at first and I was really sore for several weeks. I feel like we are really getting the hang of it though and what a neat thing to be able to do for my baby. He got a really horrible yeast infection on his bottom the first week though and it was practically tearing his skin every time we would wipe his poor little bottom. He would cry and cry and it would make me sad. It took probably a week for us to realize that it was a yeast infection and finally we were able to get an ointment to clear it up. He also got a clogged tear duct, which hasn't cleared up yet, and his baby acne flared up really bad and has really made his face super dry. I am hoping that goes away soon. 

I decided last week that in his first month, these were the things that he doesn't like: being in the car, sleeping through the night, baths, getting his diaper changed, or sitting in his bouncer while we eat dinner. My baby likes: eating. That is all. I am almost positive. However, as of Saturday, he doesn't mind the car so much anymore, he sleeps from around 11 to 6 and then goes back to sleep for a few hours after he eats, his bum isn't sore anymore so diaper changing has totally gotten better, and we can eat dinner without him needing to be held the entire time. Also, he is getting so strong and loves to try and stand while I am holding him on my lap. He started smiling after he eats and he loves to talk now. His smile is so cute and I can't wait till he can make eye contact and smile at me and Ty. He is getting too long for his newborn onesies, but his 0-3 month onesies are still a little too big. What a weird transitioning time. I have convinced him that snuggling is one of the best things in the world and we cuddle all the time. That is actually one of the things that I wasn't sure if it was ok, because I want to be able to put him down when I need to, but I really could just hold my baby all the time and be perfectly fine with that. I love him and he is mine, so I should be able to do whatever I want with him. So I do. :)

I go back to work on Monday, and have actually gone to parent teacher conferences already this week. I feel that it will be a pretty smooth transition, because we have some awesome people helping us out with our sweet baby. Tyler is actually going to be taking work off on Mondays so that he can be with him and also get some homework done. Tyler's mom Marilyn is going to be watching him on Tuesday and Thursday. Tyler's sister Melissa is going to be watching him on Wednesday. Tyler's dad is going to watch him on Friday. Hopefully this system works well. And I am only away from him from about 8:30 to 3:00, so that will work out great and I will hurry as fast as I can after work to get him and snuggle with him and love him so that he knows who I am and loves me the most :) I am looking forward to raising such a good baby. He is such a sweetheart and Tyler and I were really blessed to get such a wonderful baby boy. We love our Noah Morgan and can't wait for more fun things to come!! My next post will include pictures of our new house that we moved in to on September 22nd, because unfortunately I haven't taken those yet. We love it though and I can't wait to share just how much!

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