Monday, July 30, 2012

4 Weeks To Go!!!

This is my Papa. He just recently passed away on July 11th at 91 years young. I love him very much. Tyler and I were able to go to Green River for his funeral on the 14th. I told my Dad that there were a few things I would definitely remember about this wonderful man. First, that I don't think he ever worked a day in his life (because he had already retired by the time I was born, so really, I never saw him do anything, haha). Second, that he always made me comb his hair whenever we would go visit him and my Grammie. I would sit on the back of the couch and comb his hair for what seemed like hours. Now my dad loves the same thing, although I think I am getting too big to sit on the back of the couch. Third, that you could always find my Papa either inside stretching out on the green carpet while watching The Price is Right, or outside lounging on the swing watching my Grandma do her outside work. And last, that I was scared of him, and whenever my brother and I would go on trips with our grandparents, and I had to sit in the back with Papa while Grandma drove, I was not a huge fan of that. Now, I am just so happy that he and my Grandma are back together. Love you Papa!

My parents just sold their big beautiful house in Green River. They started building it after my Sophomore year of high school. We have some really amazing memories in that house and in that beautiful backyard. I feel so lucky that I got to have my wedding reception and baby shower there. I am proud to say that I helped lift 9 of those 5,000 pound gray blocks (ok, so they are not 5,000 pounds, but they sure feel like they are). I got to walk down the beautiful staircase and feel like a princess going to Prom. I got to paint my bedroom walls with green, blue, and purple stripes. We had parties in the basement in high school with friends. We had fun jumping from the hot tub, into the snow, back into the hot tub during the winter. I will miss this house a ton. I am sad that my children won't have the opportunity to play in this backyard like my nieces and nephews got the chance to. But my parents are excited for their new project. We will just have a new house to make fun memories at.

My mommy came to visit!!! She came for 5 whole days! We had a ton of fun and I am so glad that I just got to spend some of the best days of my summer with just my Mom. She is the greatest in the world!!!

When Tyler and I went to Green River, we stayed with my Grandma and Grandpa Baker! I love staying with them. We had a really great visit. I got to pluck my grandma's eyebrows and paint her toenails so she could show them off on Thursday at golf :)

Today is my sweet husband's birthday!!! He is turning 23 years old. We celebrated with his family yesterday, so we made delicious chocolate peanut butter cupcakes with mini reese's on the top. They were delicious!! We have an exciting day ahead of us today though...we have our 4 weeks till our due date baby doctor appointment, we are both going to go get our eyes checked at the eye doctor, we are getting a couples massage (yay!), and Ty wants to go get free lunch at Firehouse Subs! Doesn't that sound like just the funnest day ever!?

I mentioned that we are going to the doctor today for our 4 weeks until baby Noah is due appointment, and I wanted to write just a little bit more about that. I am so excited. This little baby in my belly just seems like he is ready to join our world already. Most recently, some of his favorite activities are: hiccups, burrowing, and just getting bigger. We decided to get some pictures taken of us before he comes. We haven't seen our photographers pictures yet, but Ty took some on his fancy shmancy new Iphone, and this is one of my favorites.

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