Before I got home last weekend, I spent a week long vacation in Mesquite, Nevada with my Mom, little sister, Grandparents, Uncle, and cousin. IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!!! I loved being where there was awesome weather, especially knowing that it was raining, windy, and cold in Green River... haha! I spent most of my time by the pool tanning and reading, but we did do a few other really fun things. One evening we went to St. George and went to the outdoor amphitheater, Tuachan, and saw Tarzan. It was so neat. Another day it was pretty windy outside, so we decided to go to St. George and do a little bit of shopping and then we ate at the yummiest place called Five Guys, and if you haven't been, I definitely recommend it. Hamburgers are my favorite food though, and so that may be another reason why I loved it so much! One of the days there was a huge group of guys on vacation at the same resort that we were at, and they invited us to come play sand volleyball. Let me just tell you, it was so so fun. Anybody who wants to play sand volleyball with me though better watch out. I am a powerhouse. So much fun though! I really appreciate my grandparents and my Mom for inviting me to come on that way fun vacation though, because it really does take a lot of preparation to go on a week long vacation like that. They really put a lot of effort into making sure that we had a fun time, and that's exactly what we did.

The weekend before Mesquite, my Mom, little sister, brother and his little boy came to Green River for my Grandma's surprise birthday party out at the golf course. It was so good to see my brother my little nephew! I just love them. My nephew is growing up so much, and he reminds me so much of myself when I was his age because he is so hefty! What a sweetheart though. And he calls me Meh, which I love!

I just love my neices and nephews! Brett and Shantel asked me if I would babysit Nathan and Shadie for them last night and of course I said yes. We danced and sang and ran around. What I thought was especially funny was that "Grandma Marriella" bought them a Bible for kids book that she wanted me to read to them last night, and we were reading a part about the Garden of Eden, and Nathan looked up at me really serious and said, "Megan, in the Garden of Eden, do people get eden (eaten)." I laughed so hard in my head, because it was a serious question from a 5 year old. I calmly told him, "No, Nathan, people do not get eaten in the Garden of Eden." So funny.
And finally, this weekend is Flaming Gorge Days, woo hoo, which means that I will be getting some serious overtime. I am working the parade on Saturday morning, the flea market during the day, and then the concert on Saturday night. Awesome. So hopefully this next paycheck will not be too sad considering I missed an entire week (while I was in Mesquite). Just constantly busy I guess, which isn't a bad thing, but I am definitely looking forward to some more fun and surprising things this summer hopefully ;) For now, I shall enjoy my day off :)
Um...you look HOT in that swimsuit! :)
ReplyDeleteMegan I just love you!