Well, the last time I blogged, it was the day before my 22nd birthday, and so I suppose I will just start there. My birthday was really great. I love birthdays, however, I always wish that mine never comes because I don't want to have to wait another year before my next one. I look forward to them now, but I be that will change in the future as I start getting older, getting wrinkly, and growing a beard. :) Just kidding, I have already started to grow a mustache, or so the lady told me when I went to get my eyebrows waxed the last time. Stinkin' lady. Just kidding. No, my birthday was great. I actually celebrated a week early by having a wonderful dinner with my mother's side of the family, and then the day of my birthday, I had an awesome barbecue with my father's side of the family, plus Darrin. I think he just came for the free food. It was a beautiful day though, and I got a brand new purse which is what I asked for. I knew that I was getting it though, because like everything I get for my birthday, all of the women already have whatever I am getting, and they all already had this particular purse, and so I put two and two together and surprise...I have the purse now as well.
Some other new things that are happening in my wonderful and exciting life...hmm...I started working for the city again on the 3rd of May...5th summer in a row baby! Awesome huh?! I have been there longer than some of the full timers, so I really think that I should be making more money than they are especially for how hard of a worker I am. Let me just tell you this ridiculous story about my ridiculous "boss" Walt. He is like the head guy of this whole operation they like to call the Parks and Recreation Department, and he really likes to make a really great impression by checking up on everyone all the time to make sure they are doing there jobs. So he drove up to me the other day while I was at the rec center picking up garbage. Here is how our conversation went. "Slaughter, how are ya Slaughter?" "Fine Walt, how are you?" "Just great Slaughter. How many years have you been working here, 3 or 4?" "Actually this will be my 5th summer Walt." "Well what a blessing it is to have you back again Slaughter." "Thanks Walt." "Keep up the good work Slaughter." Then he drove away. Then I saw Erek drive by, one of the other supervisors, and he waved at me. Then I get a call from my direct boss, Dave. "I just want to let you know that Walt is driving around checking on everyone to make sure they are working so stay busy." "Actually he just pulled up next to me and talked to me." "What did he say?" So I told Dave everything that Walt said, and then told him that Walt told me to keep up the good work. "Well Walt just stabbed you in the back. He called Erek and told Erek to call me and tell me to tell you that you are moving slow and to move faster." I didn't even know what to say after that. I actually wanted to cry really. What a great guy Walt is. First of all, I was still working by myself, it was windy, my main job is to just stay ahead of the mow crew so that they don't run over all the garbage, and I try to pace myself so that I don't finish all of the parks at 8 in the morning. I was doing an awesome job. So I just told Dave that I was going to move slower, and drive around all day instead of actually doing a really good job like I was trying to do. :) But now I am working with Keith, and he is awesome, and we are a great team. I don't think it will be too bad of a summer, but I sure wish the weather would get nicer. Seriously. But my niece Afton and I did have some really great weather on Thursday and we decided to take some silly pictures outside. I just love that girl!

Next awesome story in my life, I went to Utah last weekend to spend some time with one of my amazing best and most beautiful friends Melissa! We talked and talked and laughed and laughed and shopped and shopped and we just always have so much fun together! I love her to pieces!! And I can't wait to bring my husband Lee DeWyze up to Idaho with me to visit her and go boating with her! :) (I knew you would love that one Melissa...haha) I also got to go visit my student teaching school and my teachers! It was so good to be back in that school! I loved my student teaching and all of the support that my teachers showed me!! They are awesome! I wish I could have gotten a job at that school! Then I got to go visit my Aunt and Uncle and cousins who I stayed with while I did my student teaching! They are so fun! I even got to go visit my old singles ward and they actually remembered me! I got to see my good friend Bekah and hang out with her on Sunday!! So much fun!

This past weekend I went to Vernal first to celebrate with my cousin Lance who just graduated from high school! I got to see some family members who I don't get to see very often and we had an awesome dinner! Then on Saturday I left for Laramie to spend the rest of Memorial Day weekend with my mother's side of the family and celebrate my Grandma Baker's 70th birthday! What an oldie! haha Just kidding! It was so fun though! We ate delicious food that my mother prepared and spent time at my Aunt and Uncle's amazing cabin! What beautiful weather we had too! I just love going there! I really hope I get to go during the Fourth of July weekend to visit my family members who are coming from England to visit and celebrate my Aunt Jani's 50th Birthday! It would be so good to see them.

Well, I think that is about it. Just waiting to hear from some jobs that I applied for, not having any luck of course, but I will keep my fingers crossed and if anybody wants to pray for me, that would be great also! I need to give a shout out to Kimberly and Mike who came and visited me for a few minutes before they had to head home tonight! Thanks for coming to see me even though you almost forgot! Love you and I can't wait to see you soon! But for now, I suppose I will say goodnight. 6:30 comes a lot earlier than I want it to, and I need to be chipper tomorrow so that Keith and I can have a blast of a day working for the awesome city of Green River after such a great weekend for garbage! Woo Hoo! Until next time....

(I think I chose the best one...)
yes you must come back!!! We'll make it happen, just come back!
ReplyDeleteI love the Lee DeWyze comment-it definitely made my morning! I can't wait to meet him so hurry up soon ;) Love you beautiful girl!
ReplyDeleteAnd by the way my good friend I stayed for an hour and not just a few minutes and why isnt there a picture of you with us???????//??????? ok...that is all....