Friday, December 11, 2009


My first blog!!! It's amazing! Thanks Melissa so much for helping me! First of all, let me just tell you a little bit about myself... I am a beautiful 5'9" blonde bombshell. If that gives you a good picture. No, Just kidding. I am going to school at Brigham Young University Idaho right now, and I am graduating next Friday, the 18th of December! (I have even tried on my cap and gown already) I can't believe it. I have been going to school my whole entire life, and it is going to be so strange having an actual job that I get paid real money to do...:) I kind of can't wait. I have so many people to thank. My amazing family, supportive parents, hilarious friends, how much better could it get. Well, I think that is all for now, because Melissa is going to help me make this blog so much better! So until then...


  1. MEG!! I love that you have a blog! Now I can stalk you since I won't be living practically on top of you much longer. :( But your blog is stinkin cute, just like you!!

  2. Hey beautiful blond bombshell!! Love your blog & CONGRATS on your graduation!! Where in the heavens has the past 4 years gone?? WOW - it seems like you graduated from HS about 18 months ago (to me anyway!!) Good luck with the job scene & keep in touch!! Hugs
