My graduation was on Friday, December 18, 2009, and what a blessing it was to have pretty much my whole family there as well as my best friends. They were willing to travel in the blistering cold winter weather of Rexburg to see me! And who wouldn't be willing to do that really? I mean, I am pretty spectacular...:) I decided to walk at graduation before my student teaching, so that I don't have to come back to Rexburg, just to walk to get my diploma cover when they are sending my diploma to me in the mail anyways. Brilliant? I think so. I just want to thank everyone who supported me through my entire college career and made it possible for me to attend such an amazing school. I grew so much and I learned a ton. My brain is packed with new knowledge now! Woo! I can't wait to start student teaching in Utah, and I actually just found out today that my cooperating teacher for student teaching is not going to be there for the first 3 weeks, so I will be in a sixth grade classroom with another teacher for the first 3 weeks. So that will be interesting. I will never ever forget Rexburg, or the people there, so don't worry friends who are still blossoming, growing, and packing your brains with new knowledge there! I will come visit often..hopefully often, and you better come visit me too so that we can continue building friendships and memories! I love you!

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