Saturday, June 23, 2012


Tyler and I have had some really fun adventures lately, and it doesn't seem like things are going to slow down any time soon! We had a really fun opportunity to house sit for one of my mother-in-law's friends  while she and her family went on vacation for a few days. Our instructions were to feed the cat (who became very fond of Tyler, (I can't say that Tyler became much of a fan of him), water the flowers outside, eat the food, and swim in the swimming pool!!! It rocked! Plus, it gave us a little taste of what life is like living on our own again! We are so excited to move!

On the 16th, we went to the zoo and met Shantel and Grandma Ella with the grandkids! They were dropping off my niece Peighton at the airport so she could fly to Texas to help my sister Erin with her kids on their drive to Wyoming. It was so fun to see Coleton, Afton, Nathan, and Shadie! Man do I love my nieces and nephews! I even got to see Aiden, Hannah, and Brielle on Erin and Peighton's drive through Orem! It was so good to meet Brielle! She loves me :)

The baby elephant!
They have a new sea lion/sea otter exhibit!!!
There was a fly swimming in the water by the sea lion. It looked funny, so we took a picture of course!
The new polar bear exhibit is really neat too!!

Tyler, Afton, and Shadie got stuck in an egg shell!!
There was a parade in Orem for Summerfest and Goldenwest Credit Union, the credit union that Tyler works for, got to be apart of it! Melissa, David, and I volunteered to help out with the candy! We had a lot of fun even though it was super windy outside! We made the best of the wind and I even got to see some of my kids from school with their families!

Tyler still goes and plays basketball at the church on Wednesday and Thursday nights! I still go watch him. There were a few weeks where I was just to sick or tired or both to go watch him, but now I try to go often to support my hott husband! He is really quite amazing at sports and I learn so much about dedication and how practice really pays off from him. And in return, he goes and plays tennis with me so that I can show off my mad skills :) We have a lot of fun together, and it's so nice that we enjoy the same activities! It's almost like hanging out with myself sometimes. And I am awesome, so it's a win win situation!

On Friday night we went to the Orem Owls baseball game with our Pass of all Passes! It was so much fun, even though the temperature outside was probably a million degrees! It was so hot! The Owls dominated the Raptors 14 to 7 by the end but this first picture was the score after the 7th inning. 13-1...It looks like somebody needs to practice a little harder. We even got fun stadium snacks! Tyler got sunflower seeds and I got a yummy frozen lemonade (my craving for the past month or so)!

We were super sweaty and hot in this picture. Good memories :)

Tyler won free tickets from work for the new movie Brave, but the only stipulation was that the theater that the tickets were for a theater in Ogden. So last night, we drove to Ogden to see a fun movie! I even got a nap in on the way there! Way to go me! And the movie was super short...the previews started at 7:00 and we were walking out of the theater at 8:50.

This morning, and really I mean earlier than I even really want to say, even though waking up at 6:55 is something that I should be used to by now, but I am not, we went to go watch my dedicated cousins Chelsea and Greg dominate their Half Marathon! Greg beat his goal by 3 seconds or something like that, and Chelsea beat her goal by 6 minutes! Way to go you two! What a pair! We also got to see my Grandma and Grandpa Bluemel, who told us that my grandpa is making baby Noah a cradle! I am so excited! He really makes beautiful things with wood and I will proudly display our cradle and our bookshelf that he built us for our wedding in our new home!

Speaking of the new home, we still haven't closed yet. They wanted to check on a few more things just to double check to make sure everything is ready. Then we will have the carpets cleaned and hopefully, emphasis on the hopefully, be able to move in the first week of July! What better way to spend our anniversary than by moving in to our first home!! Still so many exciting things happening, this summer is just going to be a blast!

Things still to do this summer:
1. June 25-27 Travel to Green River for my baby shower
2. June 29-July 2 Family reunion at Bear Lake
4. First week of July Hopefully move in to our new home
5. July 9 Pick up my mom in Wyoming and bring her back to Utah
6. July 10 Baby Shower in Orem?
7. July 11 2nd Ultrasound to see how baby is doing
8. July 12-14 Take Mom to Colorado
9. July 14 Maternity pictures with our amazing photographer Kali
10. July 16 American Idol Concert with Dad and Mom Slaughter
11. July 17 Kimberly's baby shower in Green River
12. July 30 Tyler's birthday bash
13. August 1-2 More collaboration with my awesome teammates for school
14. August 3-4 St. George Trip with Marilyn, Melissa, and Jennie
15. August 20 Back to School Night
16. August 21 School Starts?
17. August 27 OUR BABY BOY IS DUE!!!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I have definitely been a failure at blogging for the past few months! But that's okay, because the quality of each post is impeccable, which makes up for that. :) Isn't that how it works? Anyways, I have about a million things that I want to write about because about a million things are happening! I will begin with exactly what I am thinking about right now. Summer! What a beautiful idea Summer is. I have not had the opportunity to completely enjoy Summer just yet, because after school got out last Thursday, although I had last Friday to chill, this entire week consists of training for next year! We are implementing the New Common Core that already 44 states have implemented. Yes, it has taken Utah that long to catch the wave. What is going on with the other 6 states? I don't really feel like it's TOO much of an inconvenience, however, because I have moved from 3&5th grade, to 5th grade, now back to 3rd grade. So what's a new curriculum altogether going to hurt? Maybe after this year, since I will be staying with 3rd grade (yes, that is a part of the exciting news I will share later), I will be able to get organized!

Exciting news! I am going to be teaching 3rd grade next year!! I couldn't be more excited! The reason I switch every year is because who they need teaching what depends on the number of students moving to each grade level. They needed me in fifth grade last year because there were 74 fifth graders, and splitting that between 2 classes would be crazy. That's how I was hired for that position. This year, 5th grade doesn't have AS many students, but 3rd grade does, and so that's the reason for the switch. Plus, this position is one that I will be able to have until basically I don't want it anymore. I will even get to move up to a license 2 level after this year! I am definitely sad to leave my 5th grade team, Carol and Lynn, and the 5th grade curriculum (because I was beginning to feel like I was finally getting the hang of it), but I love love love my new team, Elizabeth and Kristin, equally as much! Hopefully we will all learn to love the new 3rd grade curriculum. Luckily for us, all that's changing this year is Language Arts, but next year, math is changing as well.

Lynn, Megan, Carol: The Fabulous 5th Grade Team, sporting our Hope of America Shirts! Bonus: This picture was taken on May 30th, so there is a recent picture of my belly!
The most amazing faculty ever!! (missing a few people)
All of the sweet 5th grade girls!
Some of my crazy 5th grade boys.

More exciting news!! We are moving!!! This is probably some of the most exciting news, because although I love living with my in laws, having our own place when Baby Keil comes is really important to me. I feel like we would be more of a nuisance if we stayed much longer anyways. The condo that we purchased and will be able to move into in the next couple of weeks is in Pleasant Grove. It is still a close enough distance away from Tyler's work and from my school that it won't be that much more travel time than we are currently doing. It is on the top level of 3, vaulted ceilings, 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms, laundry room, beautiful kitchen, nice living room, plenty of storage space, and a garage! We really got a great deal! The complex has an incredible club house, swimming pool, playground, basketball court, and many other great qualities! We feel like it is going to be an awesome starter home for our family, and we can't wait to sign those final papers! (I will post pictures when we move in).
Even more exciting news!! Our baby boy is growing like crazy!!!! I can feel him moving all the time. We really think that he is either going to be a dancer or a karate ninja. Those are the activities that it feels like he practices the most in my growing belly. I don't know what my waist measured before, but it is now 40 inches around and I am at 28 weeks. I still really haven't taken a "pregnant" belly picture yet. Maybe we should do that soon. With 3 months to go, I don't think I will really want to be taking many pictures by the end of this adventure. We have settled on a name, and I love love love it! NOAH MORGAN KEIL will be joining our family in August!! I love it even more each time I say it! My coworkers even had a surprise baby shower for me on the 30th of May! They got us so many awesome gifts and I really can't thank them enough. I literally work with the most amazing people on the planet. My students had a baby shower for me on the last day of school and were extremely generous with their gifts as well. They can't wait for Noah to get here too. I am feeling great though, even though I am getting a little bigger each week. I eat constantly, and most recently I have been craving tomatoes, lemonade, and nectarines. I still eat cereal all the time. I love Subway. I am so glad that my appetite is back. I finally got my dessert taste-buds back and I am loving that. I eat ice cream a lot. I have a feeling my sister Erin's suggestion of Otter Pops will come in handy soon as the weather starts to get hotter. We also have some amazing shaved ice stands in Orem!

My yummy cake! 
Upcoming exciting news! Next month, on July 2nd, Tyler and I will have been married for a year!!! I love Tyler so so so so so much! He is my sweetie pie and I couldn't be more in love with him! He has been especially great the past few months by giving my massages when I want them, and getting me treats when I need them. He is getting better at making the bed every morning. He really is the best. I couldn't ask for a better person to share my everything with! He is going to start taking classes again in the Fall and he is going to continue working as a teller at the credit union. He is learning so much from working at the credit union which has come in handy while going through the process of buying our condo. He teaches me new things everyday! He still plays basketball in the evenings, and we have even   been going to the park with our basketball lately and he has been teaching me how to shoot better. We went camping for memorial day weekend and got to sleep in our new tent. We went to Capitol Reef in Southern Utah and had fun hiking up mountains and through waterfalls with our fun family! Our cousin Lisa is having a baby boy in August as well and we were able to hike together! It was tons of fun! We ate yummy camping food and really enjoyed some great time with family. We went to a concert in the park on Memorial Day and got to see Vocal Point and Pentatonix from the show "The Sing Off". We especially love Pentatonix and are excited to buy their CD at the end of this month.

My and my Love
Vocal Point
Oh, one of the most important details of the past few months that I almost forgot to mention that I had my birthday in April! I am now 24 years old!!! So crazy!! That's all! Hopefully I will be able to add more at another time! So many exciting things happening! It's so crazy!!!