I have been thinking a lot lately about all the events that have transpired in my life just within the past year. Almost exactly one year ago, on March 9th, I started dating my BFF. He is awesome. We have experienced so much together already, and we have definitely built a love and a friendship it almost blows my mind a little bit. I share things with Tyler that probably even the CIA wouldn't be able to find out about me :)

The very beginning.
I think what is really awesome about our whole dating experience is that the entire time we were dating, there were only 4 days where we didn't see each other. The first 2 were the first two days we started dating. Tyler went to Las Vegas with some friends for the basketball tournament. The second 2 were when I went to Green River for a visit.

That's just how much we love eachother!
We loved each other so much in fact, that we decided to get engaged!!!

And then, we were so crazy in love, we decided marriage was going to fit us just right!!!

After our wedding, with such amazing support and love from our family and friends, we had an incredible summer. Neither of us had jobs holding us down, so basically we just spent every second together, went on vacations with family, had an awesome honeymoon, and took advantage of the summer.
Tyler was planning on working and going to school in the Fall, so he signed up for classes and got hired at a call center, but came down with the craziest case of Mono that I have ever heard of. Every time he would go get tested, the test would come back negative for Mono. That lasted a miserable month, and Tyler eventually had to drop out of school because he had missed so much. He got an amazing new job at Goldenwest Credit Union in Provo as a teller in October and really enjoys it. He's learned so much about interest rates, mortgages, and finances, and always comes home to share new things he's learned at work.
What a blessing it was for me to get a job again at the school I worked at last year! I love teaching fifth grade, but am still on a one year contract, so I don't have a definite plan for next year yet. I love my school though, and hope and pray that something opens up for me there again next year. Teaching is such an awesome profession.
When we first got married, we got an apartment in Springville, which turned out to be not such a good move for us. The commute to work for both of us took around 25 minutes both ways, and it started to really wear on our financial situation and just was not convenient. Orem is where we needed to be. So we asked, more like begged Tyler's parents if we could move in to their basement on Labor Day weekend. We promised that we would be out by the time we found a place of our own, but that June would be the latest. They of course said yes, and that is where we're still at today. His parents are so awesome. Marilyn and I take turns cooking dinner. This has also helped us save a ton of money. I love it most of the time, just because we all get along so well. But sometimes I feel like I just want to move anywhere because I want to start a life with Tyler. We have actually looked at a few houses, and we recently put an offer in on one that we really love, so hopefully that goes through, but if not, we still have options. Our realtor is very helpful and encouraging and is trying to help us find a place that will meet all of our needs. I JUST WISH WE WOULD HEAR SOMETHING SOON!!!
Our most recent news happens to be something that I have been very hesitant about sharing, but most of the people who look at my blog (which I don't actually know if anybody still does), know what I am about to share anyways. From the very beginning, Tyler and I knew that we wanted kids, preferably little tiny babies first, because they are so cute, but kids nonetheless. So needless to say, we were not really preventing it from happening, but didn't expect it to happen as quickly as it did. We found out on December 27th that we are going to have a little tiny baby in August, and we are thrilled!!! I am currently 15 weeks into my pregnancy and have already experienced more that I ever knew I could. Here are just a few of the wonderful joys of my pregnancy so far:
I used to love to eat everything. As of now, I still can eat a few of my favorite things, but my tastes have definitely changed. Some of the things that I still actually like are cold cereal, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, apples, bananas, and yep, that about covers it. I have gone through several food stages. December was my orange stage. January was my chicken noodle soup stage (which eventually got to where I never want it again). February was my bagels with cream cheese stage. And now in March, I don't really have a specific item that I constantly want. I ate chicken enchiladas on Monday night for dinner, and they were SO DELICIOUS!!! A few of the things that I thought I liked, which didn't turn out well were spaghetti and rigatoni. One night I could eat them and loved them, and the next night I couldn't keep them down. I don't like going out to eat anymore. My love and affection for desserts has completely disappeared. I don't even enjoy chocolate. Sad. And cheese is definitely a no go.
Sometimes I find myself in the most interesting situations, and after the event is over, I label myself as a crazy person. The first event I love thinking back on happened on a beautiful, or maybe actually not so beautiful day in January. Tyler had to work and so I decided that I would go get a library card from the Orem Public Library so that I could check out a book that I really wanted to read. All I wanted was a stinking book so that I wouldn't be bored while my husband was at work. Isn't reading a great activity? I thought so too. But apparently the man at the front desk of the library did not think so. I knew beforehand that I needed to take some mail in to the library in order for them to issue me a library card to prove that I was a resident of Orem. They like to know that you are going to bring your library books back. Well, duh. Do I look like someone who would come to the library, get a bunch of books, and take them home and never bring them back? Or heaven-forbid, take them home and destroy them or something? Apparently the man at the front desk thought so. My mail was not good enough. I could not get a library card. I could not check out a book. I said to him, "I am really annoyed right now, and I am probably never coming back." And I walked out. I have never been back since. I called Tyler right away in tears. He was on his way to work. I explained the situation. All he kept saying was, "I am sorry Babe." I hung up on him. I wanted him to say that he was heading straight to the library and that he was going to injure the man at the front desk and burn the library down. That's why I called my mom. She knew exactly what to say, and then she sent me the book I wanted to check out so that I wouldn't have to ever go back to the stupid library again!!! What an awesome mom. So I get emotional sometimes....doesn't everybody? :)
My body has not changed much at all. In fact, if you didn't know, you probably wouldn't be able to tell that I was pregnant. However...my back has started to ache a little bit now and then. (Tyler is so awesome and massages it for me). I am more susceptible to illnesses. (I have already gotten the stomach flu and am currently battling a cold AND a cold sore) (EW). I hate any pressure on my stomach at all. (Still not sure what to do about that situation). I am exhausted all the time. (I go to sleep around 8 or 9 every night). I still have not gotten over my "morning sickness" which should never be referred to as "morning sickness" because I have it 24/7. I have even lost 9 pounds in the process. And my most recent discovery is that fiber and anything bran related are going to be my very best friends from now on. I had Tyler call my principal this morning to inform him that I was going to be a little bit late for work because I was not feeling very well and was still getting ready (aka, I was stuck on the potty for a half an hour and couldn't get anything to move, if you know what I mean). That was one of the worst experiences I have ever had in my life.
All in all though, I am still super excited, and so is my family. I couldn't be more happy about the opportunity to be a Mom. All of the women in my life who have raised me to be who I am have inspired me. I hope I have half of the qualities that they have when I raise my kids. We find out the gender of the baby on the 29th of this month, so I will hopefully keep my blog more updated than I have been doing recently. I just knew that this post was coming soon, so I didn't want to spoil the beans before I was ready. I still haven't told my students yet, or my coworkers (except for 2), and I don't know when I will be ready to do that. Tyler keeps saying to wait to tell my students until they ask me if I am getting fat. He is so awesome.
CONGRATS! I can't wait for you guys. It's amazing - promise!
ReplyDeleteOh...I love your post! :) So many great life changes Megs, and I am really excited for you!
ReplyDeleteThis is great news!!! Very happy for you!!
ReplyDeleteSo I didn't realize that it hadn't been facebook official yet when I posted on your wall. I'm so so so sorry! I totally blame Chelsea :) But I am super excited for you. Congrats!