I am just sitting on the couch next to my husband. Yep, that's right. My husband. Because guess what?! We got married. July 2nd, 2011. Quite possibly the happiest and most enjoyable day of my whole life. With the help of so many people, I looked and felt incredibly beautiful. I am so glad that we changed our date so many times, because I couldn't really wait another day to marry Tyler Keil. He is the most wonderful, hilarious, sweet, caring, loving, helpful, and handsome man on the planet!!! The perfect man for me. He completes me :)

We moved into our cute little apartment in Springville, hopeful of what the future holds for us. Living, if that's what you want to call it, in our little apartment has been quite comical. We don't really have anything to fill our cupboards, no silver wear, not even a spatula to cook with. We had to go buy a knife the other day so that we could cut the watermelon that we bought. So it has been funny seeing what we can and can't do with the things that we brought with us. Tyler really wanted to make some chicken salad last night, and without a can opener, he opened the can of chicken with a hammer, nail, and crow bar. How hysterical! Needless to say, we are super excited for our receptions this upcoming week, so that hopefully we can get some gifts that will help us out. At this point, it seems like it will take forever to acquire all that our parents or grandparents have, but we will get there some day. Right now we are living on love. Truly. Neither of us even have jobs yet.
So in our infinite time, we sleep in, watch TV, go to Seven Peaks, and stare longingly into one another's eyes :) I have always wanted to be able to do that with my significant other. And now I have unlimited time to do so.
Backing up a bit...we had a fabulous honeymoon that lasted 2 weeks. The day after our wedding, we left for St. George. We stayed there one night, and left July 4th for Las Vegas. What a fun few days being in Sin City can be :) We walked the strip, ate dinner at a yummy place called the Rainforest Cafe, rode the New York New York rollercoaster 5 times with our all day passes, and just had fun being together. On Thursday, Tyler's family met us in Las Vegas to set off on our family vacation to California! So in our cramped little car, Katie, Josh, Coleman, Tyler, and I rode together towards our Oceanside destination. What a fun week that was. We swam in the ocean not ever getting used to the salt water in our eyes and mouth. We went to Sea World loving the Sea Lions the most because we got to feed them...they were so noisy...kind of funny. We went to the San Diego temple, which is a beautiful temple. We had a really great time as a family, and hope to have more experiences that bring us together as that one did.

Now we are just looking forward to the future. We love eachother, we love our families, and are so grateful for their support with our new marriage. I LOVE BEING MARRIED! If you are not married, you should be. It's the best.
Oh my goodness gracious where do I begin? Your purple shoes are beyond adorable and I love love LOVE that you wore a bikini on your honeymoon. So freaking hot! AND I cannot wait to see you and meet this amazing husband of yours this weekend :)