This beautiful girl that I have posted a few of my very favorite photos from this year of...is none other than my favorite little pumpkin noodle head sister in the whole entire world who I love with my whole heart and I couldn't live without!!! Whenever I need someone to talk to, she is always willing to talk. She has the biggest heart and the most hilarious humor!! And guess where she gets it!!?? From me of course!! I just want to tell her how much I love her though. She is such a huge part of my life and it hurts my heart that I do not live closer to her! I am so proud of all she does, and I hope she knows how big of an influence she has on my life! And how beautiful she is!!!!! What a sweet heart!!! I can't wait to see her!!!

Emiliana says, "Awww Megan, I love it more than anything I have ever read in my whole life! You are the best sister in the whole world! I love you!"