Monday, February 22, 2010

My addiction...

I have a problem...and I am willing to admit it, because I am pretty sure everyone knows about it anyways. (Anyone who has seen my closet anyways). If you have not figured out what my problem is by my statement in parentheses..I don't actually know how to spell that is shopping. I probably have more clothes than any normal human should acquire. However, I do believe I am getting better. I went shopping with Allison and I did buy several shirts, and a pair of pants. The majority of those shirts, however, were priced under ten dollars, which I do believe for me is quite a steal.

Let me tell you a little bit about my shopping history. In my early years, I am sure that my mother bought me really cute little girl clothing, because as everyone knows, girls clothing is much cuter than boys clothing. Duh. But I would never allow my mother to dress me. I had to do it myself, which is why I received the nickname "The Bag Lady". I think that carried on throughout my youth, because growing up, I hated, hated, hated, hated shopping. You never thought that could ever be possible? Well, it was. Why you ask? Well, because I had an evil mother and grandmother who loved to throw in shopping for certain "unmentionables" whenever we would go shopping. Yes, you know what I am talking about. Awkward. And, I had the weirdest body type (and still do) and nothing ever fit, and everyone was always cuter than me. I hated trying clothes on because they never fit right. Needless to say I had a very limited choice in what I could wear.

I decided probably in my final year in high school and my early years in college, now that I was making my own money and could buy my own clothing, that I was going to be cute. I got really into shopping, and to this day, I am an avid shopper. It doesn't help my habit much that my 14 year old niece Peighton claims that I have to be the cutest teacher, because of course that is the most important thing in being a teacher. You have to look good for your students. Otherwise you look old and your students won't listen to you. Apparently it's a proven fact. I don't know. I suppose I will listen to Peighton though, because I want my students to listen to me. And if they aren't listening to me now even when I have cute clothes, I can't imagine what my classroom would be like if I was wearing out-of-date or "unfashionable" clothes. Heaven forbid. :)

There you have it. I won't justify my horrible habit. I know it's bad. Although, if anyone wants to go shopping with me, there is some excellent shopping in Utah. I do believe that is one of the only things to do here. Also, if you have any advice to help with my addiction, feel free to share.

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