There have been so many wonderful things happening lately. I can't wait to share! First of all, we celebrated my wonderful husband getting a new job at Goldenwest Credit Union by going shopping all day one Saturday for new clothes for him, and my my my is he the most handsome teller there now or what!!! Just a few of my favorite outfits that he got :)
Today we had the amazing opportunity to share Chelsea and Greg Sloat's special day with them. My wonderful cousin Chelsea got married today to Greg Sloat, and we had the opportunity to go to the temple and attend their sealing. They are now blessed to be with eachother as husband and wife for time and all eternity! Congrats Chels and Greg! I can't wait to hang out with you guys once you get back and all settled in! Here are a few of the pictures that Tyler and I took throughout the day!
Tyler made me yummy french toast this morning!!
Out to eat at California Pizza Kitchen!

The only picture that I got of the Salt Lake Temple.
My awesome cousin Erika!
Our amazing friends Ruth and Steve!
My beautiful cousin Chelsea and her new husband Greg!
Now we are safe and sound at home, doing what you may ask....watching the BYU game of course! But at least we got some treats to enjoy while we watch! I love my sweet husband!