My poor husband has been so sick the past week. It started last Thursday, and is still going strong. We decided on Sunday that enough was enough. We wanted to know what was going on. We never expected the doctor to say what he said though. They took some blood tests, and after a strep test being negative, the doctor told us that Tyler has mono. What the heck? How in the world did he get mono? I don't have mono, and we have heard that it is called "the kissing disease" for a reason. So who has my husband been kissing? Just kidding. I asked how you can contract this evil mono, and the doctor said besides kissing, you can get it from any kind of saliva from anywhere. Everybody is always sneezing and coughing and spitting all the time, (what a lovely picture I have in my head now) so it is kind of understandable. But boy has Tyler been sick. Cold sweats, fevers, headaches, backaches, fatigue, weight loss (maybe a good side affect?), and spleen enlargements, are just a few wonderful side affects of this awful sickness. Please pray you never get it. IT'S AWFUL! And after they took his blood, my poor husband needed a juice box and and band-aid and a kiss on the forehead to make him feel better. He didn't even have to go to work or school this week. Lucky. But I am the best wife ever, and I have taken good care of my boy. I hope he is feeling better today...cause we are going to the game no matter what :) By the way, BYU won last week 24-17 against Central Florida! Woo Hoo! I knew I would have good news after that game! Go cougars!

Isn't he so adorable? I think so :)