We have had a really great December so far! School was great in December, and now I am happily but rather lonely celebrating for two whole weeks away from school! It has been a blast. But again this year, my students were so gracious with their gifts! I love my students. They are amazing. I hope they are all having a great Christmas Break! We had a really fun last day of school by having pajama day, a read-a-thon in the morning. We watched the movie The Best Christmas Pageant Ever after reading the book. So funny. We took a spelling test. We had a way fun gift exchange and ate treats, and then our entire school met in the auditorium to have a Christmas Sing. Each grade got a turn singing two Christmas songs that they have been practicing for the past couple of weeks. We sang Pine Cones and Holly Berries, and Nuttin' for Christmas. We even heard through the grapevine that our choreography and singing was the best out of the whole school. 5th grade rocks!
We decided that we needed to put a lock on our door downstairs, and Tyler thought that the best time to do that would be at midnight. We had to do some sawing and drilling and it was a little bit bigger of a project than I think we anticipated. But we finally finished and by the time we were done, I think I looked like a zombie.
We made delicious cookies to take to work parties and such. We made homemade oreos, peanut butter yummy cookies with hershey's kisses, and sugar cookies with candy cane kisses. They were all delicious. Tyler just gets too excited about the size of the cookies so we are working on making the cookies a little bit smaller now :) He is so cute.
For a quick get-away, we left for Ogden on the 19th to stay in Tyler's parent's condo. We only took comfy clothes, because we were planning on a few days of pure laziness and relaxation. We did bring our new sleds because we were hoping that it would snow and we could have some fun outside, but we were sad to only experience the snow on our way out the door to head back to Orem. We did buy delicious food to cook while we were there though. We made tacos, biscuits and gravy, but our favorite was spaghetti with italian sausage and yummy salad. We bought tons of snacks and just enjoyed our time together. We even got to go hot-tubbing! It was definitely a great get-away that hopefully we can do again soon!!
We know how to have a good time with our family. Tyler is always tackling everybody and tickling them. It's one of the things that I love most about him. He has the best sense of humor. Everybody else loves the tackling and tickling too (said sarcastically).
And last night, we did not want to cook, so we just made one of my Grandma Slaughter's specialties; Cereal, toast, and hot chocolate. She used to make that for my every time I would go over to her house or whenever I stayed the night. It is one of my all time favorites!!
And finally, in just a few short hours, we are heading to Green River to spend Christmas with my Dad's side of the family!! I can hardly wait! We are going to have such a fun time! I just hope that the roads are good and that we can finally use our sleds! Christmas is such a fun time of the year, and I can't wait to spend my first Christmas being married with Tyler!! He was so excited about the things that he got me for Christmas that he might have already showed me everything he got me. He thought that since he showed me my presents, that I should show him his, but I definitely have not, and he is just going to have to wait till tomorrow, or at least until tonight! He keeps telling me that I don't love him, but it's because I love him so much that I haven't shown him! Yay for surprises, family, love, and Christmas!
One more thing. We have become addicted to the show Prison Break. It is so intense and so good!! We love it and have even gotten coworkers addicted to it as well. It is on Netflix, so if you have netflix, you should watch it too! It is just so sad that we are on the 4th season and don't know what we are going to do after it is over!!! Who knew you could become so close to and supportive of convicts trying to break out of prison :)